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Skin Care For Your 20s

Your twenties are most often the time dermatologists and other physicians would recommend you start developing a regular skin care regime. If you suffered with acne throughout your teens, you are probably already used to this and have a good system going. But, if you were blessed with perfect skin your entire life and are used to only splashing water on your face once a day, it may be time to start incorporating serums and lotions into your daily routine. Here is a simple list of products every 20-something should be using.

  • Gentle cleanser: cleansing your face at least once a day (in the evening) is crucial to help keep your skin clean and healthy. Dust and debris piles up on the skin throughout the day so it is super important to take off all that gunk before going to bed, especially if you wear makeup throughout the day.

  • Vitamin C serum: this antioxidant has proven to be great for protecting the skin against oxidative damage. It should be incorporated into your morning skincare routine as it increases the benefits of SPF, and promotes a brighter, more glowing complexion.

  • Moisturizing lotion: it’s great to keep your face moisturized, especially in the winter months to prevent it from getting dry and cracking. Consider using gentle moisturizers that don’t contain any fragrances or chemicals which could irritate your skin.

  • SPF: if you haven’t already read my article on SPF, go read it! Using sunscreen on a daily basis, rain or shine, is so important to prevent the skin from burning and getting wrinkles in the future. If you have sensitive skin, make sure to use a sunscreen specifically made for the face so you don’t experience any unnecessary breakouts.

  • Retinol: although wrinkles are fairly minimal in your twenties, research has found that starting on a retinol earlier in life actually delays the time at which wrinkles begin to occur. The anti-aging effects of retinol are great but start on a gentle dose at first, as it is very strong and can make your skin sensitive. Because of this, it is not to be worn during the day, so incorporate retinol into your night time routine. Also, start with a weak retinol just a few times per week in order to give your skin the ability to get used to it, and build up from there.

  • Lip Balm: many people forget about this one but the skin on your lips is thin and sensitive, therefore very prone to wrinkles. Incorporating a lip balm with SPF in it on a daily basis is a great idea!

  • Eye cream: like your lips, the skin around your eye area is super thin and sensitive. Moisturizing around that area morning and night is great for reducing eyelid wrinkles and crow’s feet. Alternatively, if an eye cream isn’t in your budget, make sure to lightly pat over the eyelids with a gentle face moisturizer instead.

Remember that these are just some suggestions that you may want to consider or talk to your dermatologist or healthcare provider about. It’s not always necessary to buy the most expensive skincare products, test out various kinds of products to see what works best on your skin. Also, always remember to bring all skincare products down your neck as well in order to provide moisture and anti-aging benefits to that area as well.